Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Candy Cane Chocolate Lollipops

I thought I would share how to make these lollipops. They are really easy to make. 

Take two candy canes (you could also use small candy canes) and place them on a pan with either a silicone mat or parchment paper. You want to do this other wise they will be really hard to get off your pan. Place a lollipop stick in the middle of the two candy canes. I found these cute lollipop sticks at Wal-mart that I thought would work great with these.

Heat your oven to 350 degrees. Place the candy canes in the oven for 3-4 minutes. You don't want to go too much longer other wise you will completely melt your candy canes. When they come out use toothpicks or if you are brave, your fingers, and push the edges together making sure they are around the stick. Let cool.

 Take White chocolate almond bark and melt in the microwave. I found this year crushed peppermint candy. I was so happy because, normally I crush my own and it makes a lot of noise and mess. Take some of the candy and stir it into the melted white chocolate.

You than pour the white chocolate mixture into the cooled candy cane heart. You can then sprinkle more candy cane pieces on top or not. You could even sprinkle something else on it if you wanted. 

 Once hardened, you can wrap them up and display them some how or give them away as gifts (That is what I am doing).  

Happy Baking!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Apple Fritter Bites

I found this recipe on Pinterest about a year ago. I made it for our Churches annual Christmas Devotional that we watch each year. It is always a great way to start off our Christmas Season. 
Last year I when I made them we didn't have quite enough so (as we are a family of 6) so I doubled the batch this time. We had plenty this time. 

You start off by combining all the dry ingredients.
1 heaping cup of ap flour
1/3  cup sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
dash salt
1-2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg

Add the wet ingredients 
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1Tablespoon butter, melted
1 egg
1/3 milk, more if needed. (we added just a little bit more)

 And now for the apples. You want a nice small pieces. This part was hard me as I am allergic to apples in the raw form. They just make my skin itch and itch. (I need to invest in some food safe gloves). Anyways you need at least 1 1/2 cups of diced apples.

Mix all the ingredients together and that is when you want to add the extra milk if you think it is too thick. Just a little at a time though.

Heat up some oil in a pan and cook your fritters till they are nice and golden brown. Depending on how big you make them will depend on how long they will take to cook. Mine took anywhere from a minute to two minutes. 

Then as soon as they get out of the oil coat them in a powederd sugar glaze. That way the glaze dries on the fritter. We also rolled some in a cinnamon sugar mixture.

Here is the original recipe -Apple Fritter Recipe. Serve with some yummy Hot Chocolate and you have a great breakfast or snack.

Happy Baking!