Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Strawberry Hearts

It is Strawberry Season!! I LOVE STRAWBERRIES!! It is one summer fruit that I can eat. There are so many yummy things you can make with strawberries. Chocolate and Strawberries go so well together. I saw somewhere chocolate hearts. 

First step cut strawberries open and take out the middle part. Take a toothpick and join the two halves together. Fill the strawberries with marshmallow fluff.


Melt your chocolate and put all over the bottoms of the strawberries making sure the marshmallow fluff is covered up.

Once dry turn the berries over and coat the top of the strawberries in chocolate. Then drizzle with white chocolate, or red, or more chocolate, whatever you want.  Pretty quick and easy and so YUMMY.

Baked Oatmeal

Ok so I don't have a picture of this one. I made it the night before for breakfast. By the time I got home from work the next day it was gone. It was REALLY good. I found the recipe on Pinterest. So far most of the recipes I have made from there have been really good. You can find the recipe here

I did make some changes though. I left out the walnuts and used regular oats instead of gluten free. I added strawberries, blueberries and bananas. But you can add any fruit you would like. It is a keeper in my recipe book.